
Baytril Otic

Baytril Otic is classified as a fluoroquinolone antibiotic. Labeled for use in canines, Baytril is widely available as it has been approved by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration).

This medication must be prescribed by a veterinarian to treat ear infections in dogs.

Baytril Otic

The physical structure of the dog’s ear poses a problem when it comes to acquiring an infection. Unlike humans where our ear canals are straight, dogs have an “L” shaped ear canal. At the bottom of the “L” the ear drum sits right in front of the middle portion of the ear. When foreign particles enter into the ear, they become trapped at the bottom of this “L” shape, right in front of viable hearing organs. Infections in the ear are usually the first stage of an ear inflammation; this problem is called otitis external or otitis media if affecting the middle ear. Infections that are left unnoticed and untreated can cause the eardrum to rupture or cause the problem of otitis externa.
Symptoms of an ear infection include; shaking of the head, redness of the ear tissues, pawing or scratching of the ears, head tilt, slight deafness, pain when eating, pain when yawning, and pain whilst the jaws are being handled. The underlying cause of an ear infection can be from a variety of things such as; autoimmune disease, keratinisation, hair accumulation, foreign materials, adverse reactions to drugs, allergies to foods, and parasites. A number of other less common underlying conditions include; fungal or bacterial infections, swimming, and improper ear cleaning done by unknowledgeable personnel.

Pet aliments caused by an ear infection include; shaking of the head, redness of the ear tissues, pawing or scratching of the ears, head tilt, slight deafness, pain when eating, pain when yawning, and pain whilst the jaws are being handled.

Baytril Otic


RELATIVE INFO ON BREED MOST ASSOCIATED WITH THIS AILMENTOtitis Externa is a non-specific to any breed, age, or gender of dog the condition is however more common to those dogs with long ears covering the ear canal.

1. What adverse effects from the product should I be aware of?
  • Side effects which could be noted by a pet owner while taking this product include; cataracts, seizures, convulsions, lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting and decreased appetite.

2. What should I do if my pet has adverse effects from product?
  • Discontinue use and seek the care of a veterinary professional promptly.

3. Can this product cause an allergic reaction in my pet?
  • Symptoms of an allergic reaction to the drug include; hives, excessive drinking, and irregular breathing patterns. Other possible side effects include; cataracts, seizures, convulsions, lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting and decreased appetite.

4. What sort of medical tests will need to be taken before administering Clavamox?
a. A sensitivity test. A sensitivity test requires a small swab from the affected area to be culturized. This grown colony of bacteria will then be tested against different forms of antibiotics to determine which medication to prescribe. This test is essential in eliminating wasted time and money of medications that are ineffective.

5. I am allergic to most forms of antibiotics, is it safe for me to handle my pet’s medication?
a.) Yes. Handlers which are allergic to antibiotics are advised to wear safety materials such as gloves while administering the product. Avoid contact with eyes and mouth. After administration wash hands and forearms thoroughly with soap and water.

How it Works
Baytril is a strong formulated antibiotic, fighting against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Common bacterial infections such as Staphylococcus and Pseudomona can be treated through use of Baytril. This medication is chemically formulated to break down the nucleated structure of each bacterium, preventing DNA replication to take place.

  • Tilt head and apply drops to affected ear
  • Message ear between drops to allow distribution
  • Apply drops twice a day for 14 days.

Weight of Dog
5-10 drops
35lbs or less
35lbs or more

enrofloxacin 5 mg (0.5% w/v)
silver sulfadiazine (SSD) 10 mg (1.0% w/v)
benzyl alcohol (as a preservative)
cetylstearyl alcohol (as a stabilizer)

Product Cautions
Patients currently taking prescribed medications such as; Theophylline, Sucralfate, Nitrourantoin, Cyclosporine, Aminophylline, Penicillin, Rimadyl, antibiotics containing Cephalosporin or Aminoglycoside, Antacids, or medications for pain, should not take Baytril.
Baytril should not be administered to patients under one year of age or those whom are pregnant.
Reports have determined Baytril is linked to genetic deformations of joints and bones in infants.
Baytril is not recommended for patients with disorders of the central nervous system or those with diseased kidneys and liver.

PET: possible side effects include; cataracts, seizures, convulsions, lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting and decreased appetite.

HUMANS: Not to be used in humans. Keep away from children. If accidental ingestion occurs, seek medical attention immediately. Do administer personnel has a history of antibiotic allergies.

Storage and disposal

Storage: Baytril should be stored at room temperature in an air tight container to avoid moisture

Empty containers should be disposed of as directed and never re-used. Recycling or garbage disposal is viable as directed upon product label. Consult a medical waste agency for directions to depose of remaining drug and container. Contact 1-800-CLEANUP for additional information.

No generic equivalent is available.