
BreathaLyser Plus Water Additive

Product Info
BreathaLyser Plus is a water additive that promotes good oral hygiene and helps fight bad breath in dogs and cats. It is an over-the-counter product manufactured by Imrex Inc. and the solution is available in 250ml and 500ml bottles.
What the product cures
BreathaLyser Plus Water Additive helps prevent and combat plaque, calculus, halitosis, and other conditions caused by poor hygiene and bacterial growth in the oral cavity.
Pet Symptoms

BreathaLyser Plus Water Additive

In most cases, halitosis (or bad breath) in dogs and cat is usually a result of poor oral hygiene. However, owners should also be aware that the condition can also be a sign of an underlying health problem and that getting their pet examined is recommended in order to rule out other issues.
What exactly are the causes of bad breath in pets?
Halitosis is mainly a consequence of bacteria that accumulates in the teeth and gums, which then leads to diseases such as gingivitis and causes bad odor. Some cat and dog breeds are particularly susceptible to the condition due to the mouth’s anatomical structure. Diet and skin conditions are also factors known to play a role in the development of the disease. Additionally, bad breath can also be a sign of a more serious problem such as; injury, abscess, respiratory problems, liver disease, renal disease, and gastrointestinal issues.
How is halitosis diagnosed?
Only a veterinarian can determine the cause of bad breath in your cat or dog and give a proper diagnosis. This typically only requires a physical exam, but if needed, additional tests such as blood work may be performed. Your vet will likely ask questions regarding your pet’s diet, activity levels, oral hygiene routine, and anything else that may help pinpoint the cause.
When is a vet visit recommended?
If any of the following symptoms appear, a visit to the vet’s office is advised:
  • Brown-colored tartar on the teeth, which may or may not be accompanied by excessive salivation, gum irritation/inflammation, and trouble eating. This could be caused by periodontal disease, gingivitis, or other dental conditions.
  • Fruit-like or sweet mouth odor, increased water intake, and frequent urination. These symptoms can be associated with diabetes and should be assessed by a vet promptly.
  • Acidic, urine-like odor, which may indicate renal disease.
  • Bad breath, nausea/vomiting, decreased hunger, and yellow skin/eye pigmentation. These are signs of liver disease and need to be looked at by a vet immediately.
  • Painful mouth, which is usually manifested by pawing at face, rubbing head on walls and other surfaces, reluctance to eat, etc.
What treatment options are available for halitosis?
Bad breath caused by plaque and poor hygiene in general, is best treated with a professional dental cleaning. However, treatment may vary depending on the underlying health issue. For example, if bad breath is caused by a tooth abscess, surgery and antibiotics will likely be necessary.
Can bad breath be prevented in dogs and cats?
Although most people believe halitosis is part of aging and normal for older pets, this is not true. The fact is that geriatric pets are more likely to have bad breath and oral problems because their oral hygiene has been neglected for a long time, thus allowing bacteria, tartar, and plaque to accumulate in the mouth. There are several ways that owners can take initiative and help maintain good oral hygiene in their pets as well as prevent halitosis:
  • Have your pet regularly examined by a veterinarian to ensure his teeth and mouth is healthy. This way your veterinarian can catch problems early on and prevent complications.
  • Brush your dog or cat’s teeth on a daily basis with pet-based products (human toothpaste may be toxic). Additional products such as mouth rinses and water additives may also be recommended by your vet to help with oral hygiene.
  • Discuss your pet’s diet with your vet to ensure that you’re providing healthy meals. There are also special dog and cat foods available specifically designed to promote oral health.
Pet Ailments
Periodontal disease and gingivitis are the two conditions most commonly associated with halitosis in pets. Other conditions that may also lead to bad breath include; diabetes mellitus, respiratory problems, rhinitis, sinusitis, enlargement of the esophageal tube, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, abscessed tooth, mouth tumors, kidney disease, and distemper.
Pets with Ailments
BreathaLyser Plus Water Additive

BreathaLyser Plus Water Additive

BreathaLyser Plus Drinking Water Additive

BreathaLyser Plus Drinking Water Additive

Relative info on breed most associated with this ailment
Dog and cat breeds that are prone to developing dental issues and halitosis are usually those with a short face or small mouth and crowded teeth such as; Himalaya, Persian, Chihuahua, Pug, Yorkie, and Maltese.
Questions for the vet & product
1. Is there anything my vet should know before giving this product to my pet?
Your vet should be aware of any additional drugs, supplements, or vitamins that your pet is taking. It is also important to tell your vet if your dog or cat is pregnant, lactating, or being bred.
2. Are there any side effects associated with the use of BreathaLyser Plus?
No side effects have been reported with this product.
3. What if an overdose occurs?
Call or take your pet to the closest emergency vet clinic if you suspect an overdose.
How it Works
BreathaLyser Plus Water Additive contains chlorhexidine, which inhibits bacterial growth and prevents tartar and plaque from building-up on the gums and teeth. The product also includes a protein that digests odor-producing protein found in food.
Directions for use
BreathaLyser Plus should be used once a day for optimum results. The bottle should also be shaken well before being used, as sedimentation may occur. Be sure to throw away any extra water after 24 hours.
Dosage and administration: Pour 10ml (about 2 tablespoons) of the solution into 1 L of clean water once a day.
The main ingredient in BreathaLyser Plus is 0.049% chlorhexidine digluconate. Other ingredients include; emilgase, zing gluconate, barley malt extract, water, glycerine, xylitol, potassium sorbate, hydroxymethylcellulose gum, sodium benzoate, polysorbate 20, and D&C Blue No. 1.
Product Cautions
Avoid using in pets that are allergic to any of the ingredients listed on the product label.
Consult with your vet before use if your pet is expecting, breeding, lactating, or is taking additional drugs/supplements.
Store in a safe place where children and pets cannot reach.
This product is for animal use only.
Obtain medical attention from a health professional if first aid is required.
Storage & Disposal
Storage: Keep product at room temperature and avoid freezing.
Disposal: Discuss proper disposal with a waste management professional in your area.
Brand vs. generic comparison: N/A