
Virbantel Chewable Tablets

VIR2D Virbantel Chewable Tablets


Virbantel, manufactured by Virbrac inc., is an anthelmintic combination medication to treat internal parasites in dogs.

Hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum, Ancylostoma braziliense, Roundworms (Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina), and Uncinaria stenocephala), and Tapeworms (Dipylidium caninum, Taenia pisiformis).


Internal parasites affect dogs of all species, gender, age, and size. The most common internal parasites are; hookworms, tapeworms, and roundworms. Internal parasites cause symptoms in dogs including; vomiting, dry textured hair, loss of weight, blood in the stool, diarrhea, and an overall poor condition. Parasites cause a great deal of healthy problems to the pet as well as to pregnant females as these worms can infect cats and dog before they are born.

Each parasitic worm resembles the name they have been given. Hookworms latch onto the inside of the small intestine, sucking the blood from the pet. Tapeworms quite long resemble the appearance of a section of sticky tape. Whipworms, Hookworms, and Tapeworms all infect the intestine of pets but Roundworms attack the heart as well as the lungs. Roundworms are long and spaghetti like, often killing young pups or kittens.

Internal parasites can be transferred from pet to pet in a number of ways. The most common mode of transition is though ingestion of contaminated feces or food. These parasites reproduce quickly, therefore lay eggs which often shed within the feces. Food such as rats can also be infested with parasites, as the cat decreases the rodent problem, a parasite problem could be arising. Parasites can also be transmitted within the womb or through nursing the young. A common transmission of parasites focusing on Tapeworms is through fleas. The flea is actually a temporary host for the tapeworm. The tapeworm used the flea as a carrier and waits for him to bite a mammal to infest. The last mode of transmission designated only for species of roundworms is through mosquito bites. Just as the Tapeworm used the flea to carry him to the host, the roundworm does the same to the mosquito.

Internal parasites cause aliments in dogs including; vomiting, dry textured hair, loss of weight, blood in the stool, diarrhea, and an overall poor condition.

Internal parasites affect dogs of all species, gender, age, and size. The most common internal parasites are; Hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum, Roundworms (Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina), Ancylostoma braziliense, and Uncinaria stenocephala), and Tapeworms (Dipylidium caninum, Taenia pisiformis).


1.What steps should I take if my pet has adverse effects from product?

Discontinue use and contact your veterinarian immediately.

2. What side effects could my pet develop while taking this medication?

Vomiting, loose stools, and perhaps blood within the stools.

3. Will this product alone terminate the internal parasite problem in my pet?

Yes and no. This product will terminate the present worms your pet has but will not prevent recontamination. Keep in mind fleas and mosquitoes are carriers of some parasites. A flea and mosquito treatment must also be used.

4. Do I need to isolate my pet while treatment takes place?

It is recommended to isolate pets from other pets during treatment to prevent contamination to others.

5. If isolation during treatment is recommended, are there other steps in protocol I should be aware of?

Yes. Do not allow infected pets to share litter boxes or come in contact with infected feces. Remove all fecal matter from yard area to prevent contamination to other pets or re-contamination to your pet.

6. I have been treating my pet for hookworms and noted a rash on my arm. Could this be an infection?

Yes. This hookworm can penetrate the human skin causing a condition called cutaneous larval migrants, more commonly called creeping eruption or ground itch in lament terms. These hookworms can do one of two things; one, they can either simply cause a severe rash while they burrow under the skin or two, migrate into the human intestine and cause a condition known as eosinophilic enteritis.

7. How can I prevent my pet’s hookworms from contaminating me?

Always wear protective foot and hand gear. The shoes you wear while entering the kennel of your dog should be washed daily and never worn anywhere else. Keep waste material in a sealed garbage container away from the home.

8. Can I become infected with tapeworms or roundworms?

To become infected with tapeworms or roundworms a person would have to ingest them. The change you would become infected is very slim.

How it Works: Virbantel is a combination medicine containing both pyrantel pamoate (30 mg) and praziquantel (30 mg) Pyrantel Pamoate interferes with the parasite’s transmition of nerves leading to paralysis and termination of hookworms.



Ø Product is to be given orally and meant to be chewed.

Ø Medication can be given alongside food.

Ø Break down large pills to ease digestion in small dogs.

Ø Administer pills once a month.

Pet owners; prevent overdose to your pet by scheduling the date to administer. Place a reminder or check off list to ensure dosage on appropriate day.


Administer once monthly for prevention of hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms. Product is to be given according to weight. Pills available for small, medium, and large dogs.

Dosing Table

Dog Weight

Number of Chewable

6.0 to 12 pounds:

1 Chewable

12.1 to 25 pounds:

2 Chewable

More than 25 pounds:

Use 114 mg size.


Active Ingredients (in each chewable):

pyrantel pamoate (30 mg) and praziquantel (30 mg)

Product Cautions

Do not use this product in cats.

Not intended for use in puppies under 6 weeks of age.

Safe for all herding dog breeds, pregnant, and lactating females.

Pets: For use in Small Dogs and Puppies Only (6.0 to 25 pounds).



If Swallowed: Immediately contact a poison control center and seek advice. If the affected person is in a state to swallow, offer them to sip a glass of water. Unless suggested by the doctor at poison control centre, do not encourage the person to vomit. If the affected becomes unconscious, do not administer anything though their mouth.

Storage: Store away from sunlight and moisture. Store at room temperature.

Disposal: Empty containers should not be reused. Consign it to trash or look to the possibility of its recycling. Unused or leftover of the container should never be disposed in any drain. Seek help of local solid waste agency or call up 1-800-CLEANUP for instructions concerning disposal.

BRAND VS GENERIC COMPARISON: Virbantel chewable tablets for dogs is the generic formation of heartgard plus. Both generic and name brand products contain pyrantel pamoate and praziquantel.